Power systems are used almost everywhere whether it is the large-scale industry, chemical industry, refinery industry, and many more. The power systems is a network that consists of the generation of power, distribution, and transmission system. It uses forms of energy like coal and diesel and converts them into electrical energy which is used for different purposes.
Structure of the Power System:-
- Generation:- The first step is to generate power from fuel, coal, nuclear energy, wind turbines and convert them into electrical energy. The generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy.
- Transmission:- In this step, the generated power is distributed to the substations from where the large bulk of the power supply will be distributed to big consumers. After this, it interconnects the two or more generating stations with the help of transmission lines.
- Distribution:- From the substations, the power is distributed to the domestic, commercial, and other kinds of consumers for different purposes. The consumers require bulk power which is supplied through a sub-transmission or transmission system.
The power system is a big part of the day-to-day lives of everyone. Doing short-circuit analysis, load flow analysis device study, power system design is necessary to avoid the huge loss and damage caused by faulty power systems.
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